
Elecfit – Smart Automation involves the use of various technologies and automated systems to optimise and streamline production processes across a wide range of industries. The goal is to improve efficiency, reduce labour costs, enhance product quality, and increase overall productivity. Here are key aspects that we specialise in:

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)

PLCs are specialized digital computers used to control machinery and processes in industrial settings. They are programmed to automate specific tasks and sequences.

Sensors and Instrumentation

Implementation of various sensors (e.g., temperature, pressure, proximity) and instrumentation to monitor and collect data from the industrial processes. This data is crucial for control and decision-making.

Human-Machine Interface (HMI)

Interfaces that allow operators to interact with and control industrial machinery and systems. HMIs include touchscreens, control panels, and other graphical user interfaces.


Integration of industrial robots for tasks such as assembly, welding, painting, material handling, and more. Robots can operate autonomously or collaboratively with human workers.

Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems

Centralized systems that monitor, control, and collect data from various industrial processes in real-time. SCADA systems provide a comprehensive view of the entire industrial operation.

Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)

MES systems help manage and control manufacturing operations on the shop floor. They provide real-time information about production schedules, inventory, and quality.

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

PLM systems manage the entire lifecycle of a product, from design and development to manufacturing and maintenance. They help streamline collaboration and information sharing across different stages.

Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machines

CNC machines are automated tools controlled by computers for precision machining operations such as milling, turning, and cutting.

Vision Systems and Machine Vision

Integration of cameras and vision systems for inspection, quality control, and guidance in industrial processes. Machine vision technology uses image processing algorithms to analyze visual information.

Distributed Control Systems (DCS)

DCS systems are used to control and monitor complex industrial processes distributed across different locations. They are commonly used in industries like chemical processing and power generation.

IoT (Internet of Things) Connectivity

Integration of IoT devices to enable communication and data exchange between industrial equipment. This allows for real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and process optimization.

Asset Management Systems

Systems that track and manage industrial assets, including machinery, tools, and equipment. Asset management systems help optimize maintenance schedules and reduce downtime.

Energy Management Systems

Systems that monitor and optimise energy consumption within the industrial facility, contributing to sustainability and cost reduction.

Wireless Communication Systems

Utilisation of wireless technologies for communication between devices and systems in industrial environments. This includes Wi-Fi, RFID, and Bluetooth for data exchange.


Production Maintenance Services

Elecfit – Smart Automation offers electrical services to maintain production, it’s crucial to provide a comprehensive range of services to ensure the smooth operation of industrial facilities. Here are some of the key electrical services that Elecfit – Smart Automation offer for your production maintenance:

By offering these electrical services, Elecfit – Smart Automation can help you maintain the reliability, efficiency, and safety of your production facilities.

A proactive and holistic approach to electrical maintenance contributes to the overall success and longevity of your manufacturing operations.